Crooked teeth are a common orthodontic health concern for aesthetic and oral health reasons, affecting both children and adults. Patients typically desire a more beautiful smile but receive far more than just straighter teeth. Straightening crooked teeth will enhance the function and comfort of the bite and can help improve overall oral health. What many patients may not realize is that crooked teeth can cause additional oral health complications, damaging the gums, teeth, and jaw.
Crooked teeth can be treated using a range of orthodontic treatment options. Board-certified Timonium MD orthodontist Dr. Mohammad Izadi provides a full range of orthodontic treatment options to help patients conservatively and efficiently reposition teeth for a straighter and healthier smile.
Izadi Orthodontics takes a personalized approach to all aspects of your orthodontic care. Through thorough analysis of your bite alignment and skeletal structure, Izadi Orthodontics can provide tailored orthodontics for long-term results.
Treating Crooked Teeth for Children
Izadi Orthodontics promotes Phase I treatment for children and encourages parents to bring their children in for an orthodontic analysis by age 7. Early intervention with a two-phase treatment plan helps Izadi Orthodontics correct your child’s orthodontic concerns before they begin to affect their facial structure or bite function.

This is a 10 year old female patient with a cleft palate/lip and a missing front tooth. Total orthodontic correction, and cleft repair by an oral surgeon. Temporary Bridgework for the missing tooth followed by an implant after growth completion. Total treatment time 28 months.
Izadi Orthodontics looks to correct the underlying issues that create crooked teeth to prevent the need for more extensive treatment later in life. Phase I Treatment can help children avoid tooth damage, jaw discomfort and supports a more confident and happy smile.
Treating Crooked Teeth for Adults
While we do recommend straightening your teeth as soon as possible, it is never too late to seek orthodontic treatment. Adult patients who never received orthodontic care in their youth can benefit from adult braces or orthodontic treatment. Patients with crooked teeth typically experience higher rates of oral health complications associated with their crooked teeth. Crooked teeth can:
- Lead to a TMJ disorder and chronic pain from the TMJ symptoms
- Make it difficult to clean teeth properly
- Increase your chances of getting tooth decay
- Cause overcrowding
- Cause malocclusion
- Make patients self-conscious of their smile

An adult patient with a traumatic loss of an upper front tooth, moderate gingival recessions and crowding. Extraction of one lower incisor, correction of the bite 20 months, implant and restoration by his oral surgeon/dentist. This case was done preferably with ceramic braces but could have been performed via Invisalign. Space management for the implant was very critical to ensure equal-sized front incisors as well as perfect alignments of the lower anterior teeth without any gingival triangular space developments due to the gum recessions. Straight teeth do not necessarily mean perfect occlusions, and ultimately function matters!
Izadi Orthodontics can help adult patients choose an orthodontic treatment that can effectively correct their bite with minimal daily interference.
Adult patients experiencing orthodontic relapse can often benefit from clear braces such as Invisalign or other orthodontic appliances. The Invisalign clear aligner system is the perfect treatment for adults who want to straighten their teeth discreetly. Many of our older patients do not want the hassles and discomfort of traditional metal braces.
If a patient had braces as a child, it is common to experience a relapse later in life. Teeth can begin to shift, causing discomfort in their bite or dissatisfaction with the appearance of the smile.
Crooked Teeth FAQs
Do you have questions about crooked teeth and what treatments are available? Start here! Read through these answers to commonly asked questions about crooked teeth. Contact our orthodontic office during regular business hours if you have further questions or concerns.
Can crooked teeth cause problems?
Crooked teeth may cause bite and alignment problems. If your teeth are crooked, they may have an impact on the spacing of your other teeth. When teeth are crowded, they tend to overcrowd other areas. If crooked teeth are not corrected, this can progress, and teeth may begin to decay.
Are crooked teeth genetic?
Genetics play a big role in tooth alignment, however, they are not the only factor. If you have a genetic predisposition for crooked teeth, it is advisable to schedule regular dental visits to check in on your oral health and alignment.
Do crooked teeth get worse with age?
Patients with crooked teeth may experience bone decay and teeth shifting as they age. This is because as you age, your teeth become less dense. The lack of density causes your jaw to shrink in size, resulting in tooth crowding.
Can crooked teeth affect speech?
Crooked teeth may impact speech. Some patients have trouble pronouncing specific sounds and letters if their teeth are misaligned. Crooked teeth may also cause a lisp in some patients. Orthodontic treatment can help align your smile and correct your speech.
Can crooked teeth cause headaches?
It’s not uncommon for people with crooked teeth to suffer from headaches as a result of their misalignment. Migraine headaches may be caused by misalignment of your jaw and tooth structure.
What is the best age for braces?
If your child is between the ages of 9 and 14, they should start thinking about getting braces because this is the age that teeth are most responsive to treatment. If you wait too long, after their jaws and teeth have already adjusted to their post-puberty positions, it will be more difficult to shift them.
Request an Orthodontic Consultation for Crooked Teeth in Timonium, MD
Are you looking for an orthodontist in Sparks, MD, Hunt Valley, MD, Cockeysville, MD, Mays Chapel, Lutherville, and surrounding communities? Our orthodontic team provides compassionate, thorough orthodontic services for children, teens, and adults. We welcome new patients from Reisterstown, Jacksonville, Sparks, and surrounding communities. Request an appointment for an orthodontic consultation online or contact our office at (410) 919-9806 today.